While trying to change the configuration on a hot standby Azure AD Connect server, the “cannot change configuration” error comes up and what is interesting is that it complains about a synchronization in progress as the cause. But, how can a standby server be synchronizing?
Every time I ran the AAD Connect configuration wizard, the below issue came up.
Cannot Change Configuration. Synchronization is currently in progress.
I checked the Sync Scheduler settings on the server by running Get-ADSyncScheduler and everything checked out fine – maintenance & staging mode was set to true. I noticed that there is a setting to suspend the scheduler and I set that to true as well (it is not required though). No change in the error.
The issue was a simple one – there was another session on the hot standby server which had the AAD Connect wizard open. As soon as I killed the session, I was able to make changes on the standby server.
I have come across this issue before, but on the active AAD Connect server. The error was different in that case though, do read about it.
Hi Rajith,
Could you please repost this article, I am unable to view it.
I have updated the article now Etones.