Exchange 2013 – Enable OWA Light

MS Exchange

How to enable the light version of OWA in Exchange 2013?

By default, the option to enable the light version of OWA is not exposed in OWA 2013.

OWA Login Page

It is easy enough to light up the option, if you want it for any reason.

Get-OWAVirtualDirectory | Set-OWAVirtualDirectory –LogonPageLightSelectionEnabled $true will do the trick. Run iisreset for the changes to take effect.

Enable OWA Light in 2013

Sure enough, the option gets displayed.

OWA light enabled in 2013

Similarly you can enable the option to select whether the computer that is running OWA 2013 is a public or private one. This is not enabled by default in 2013.

Run Get-OWAVirtualDirectory | Set-OWAVirtualDirectory –LogonPagePublicPrivateSelectionEnabled $true followed by an IIS reset to enable the option.

OWA Public private enabled in 2013

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9 thoughts on “Exchange 2013 – Enable OWA Light”

  1. Sorry for my very late reply.. I’ve tried running this command “Get-OWAVirtualDirectory | Set-OWAVirtualDirectory –LogonPageLightSelectionEnabled $true” from a server 2012 with exchange 2013, i get the reply “Get-OWAVirtualDirectory : The term ‘Get-OWAVirtualDirectory’ is note recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function……..” i’ve tried running it from an elevated Windows Powershell, elevated Exchange management shell, and elevated windows powershell (x86), i have a feeling i might have to run some other command first either to connect to exchange or to enable running cmdlt’s.. The reason i’m trying to enable the choice for light or premium OWA, is that for som reason sending sms’s doesnt work in premium though it works flawlessly in light.. I have a Samsung Galaxy connected to the exchange wich i use to send at receive sms’s via outlook and OWA..

    • Hi Frede,

      If you are running the command from the Exchange shell, it should work fine. What gets returned when you run Get-OWAVirtualDirectory?
      If you use a Windows PowerShell, then you need to initiate a remote session with the Exchange server.


      • Huh.. This time it seemed to work from the exchange management shell, maybe last time some service wasn’t running which then disabled the management shell from connecting to exchange, i see now that it connects upon startup.. Not sure wether it did that last time. I have now run the command “Get-OWAVirtualDirectory | Set-OWAVirtualDirectory –LogonPageLightSelectionEnabled $true” and no errors was shown, but nothing seems to have changed on the logon page neither see i’m running exchange on a server 2012 std. this is not the AD nor the DC of the domain, AD and DC is my main server – Server 2012 Essentials, which have the exchange server connected via the build in connector. i think something is missing in my owa page, because i have read other help guides, and the seem to explain about various settings not applicable within my OWA, also as explained earlier, i cannot seem to send SMS messages from within OWA (Premium Ed.). If you would have a look i could PM, a logon account to you?

        • Ok, so me be giant dumbass, in regards to the “not working part”, obviously i simply needed to restart IIS on the Exchange server, then the options is available.. :) I would obviously still like to be able to send SMS from the premium OWA, but i suppose, that something for another thread.. Many Thanks for the support and help!! :)


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