I was rather surprised to see the error message below while uninstalling Exchange 2010 in my test lab.
The server in question was a member of a DAG, but it had been removed from the DAG gracefully and the DAG was deleted as well. There is no reference to the DAG while I checked the AD configuration using ADSIEdit. There was no cluster in the Failover Cluster Manager as well.
Cleaning up the node from the command line helped Exchange recognize that it is not part of a DAG. The command is cluster.exe node /force.
Retrying the uninstall came back with all green tick boxes.
First time that I had this error in many decommissionning Exchange servers (this time Exchange 2016) and you make me save a lot of time. Checked the ADSI to see any reference but nothing. I was about to recreate the DAG add the server back and remove it again :)
Glad the article helped you Killian.
Thank you so much!
You are welcome Keith.
Helped me as well thanks!
Thanks Ozz
Thanks, It works like cham.
Glad it helped you Kafui.