I came across this today! When I try to close the Exchange Management Console (2010 SP1), it brings up the following dialog box and the only way to come out is to kill mmc.exe from the task manager.
“You must close all dialog boxes before you can close Exchange Management Console”
A quick google says that many others are having the same issue and that it happens when the box that has EMC loaded has IE9 as well. I checked my test machine and it had IE9 as well. I uninstalled IE9 and things are fine now. As Microsoft is aware of the issue, there should be an update to fix this issue soon. The workaround is to uninstall IE9 or kill mmc from task manager for the time being.
Anyone else having the same issue? Any other workarounds?
Thanks Pete
Here's some more information that might be helpful,
Exchange 2010 – (You must close all dialog boxes before you can close Exchange Management Console)
Thanks Anonymous.
Adding https://localhost to Trusted Sites worked for me. I had to run IE as an administrator to do so.
Thanks for the tip Trevor.
What worked for me was turning off "Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration" for Administrators and Users and then adding https://localhost to the "trusted sites" in IE Security as well.
Close EMC, and all IE windows and reopen EMC and I have not been prompted with "you must close……….." from EMC since.
Thanks Jo. I will try that.
you have to add https://localhost to the trusted sites list of IE9.