Exchange Health Manager Service Wont Start Automatically After Installing 2013 CU2 V2

MS Exchange

After installing Exchange 2013 CU2 Version 2, the Exchange Health Manager service does not start automatically!

The service has been set to start automatically. But, even after a reboot, the service remains in the same state.

 Health Manager does not start automatically 2013 CU2 V2

All the three recovery steps of the service is to restart the service, but nothing!

 Recovery option for health manager service

The only dependency is on Windows Event Log service, which is running. If I start the service manually, it starts up and runs without any complaints.

 Health Manager running after manual start

If I restart the server after that, it again goes back into the stopped state. I am having the same problem on a brand new install of 2013 CU2 V2 – CAS and Mailbox role.

Anyone else seeing this issue?

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26 thoughts on “Exchange Health Manager Service Wont Start Automatically After Installing 2013 CU2 V2”

  1. Hi,

    Recreating the healthmailboxes doesn’t fix the problem. Service has not been started after reboot. However, after some time (10-15 minutes) the service starts automatically. So, this still seems to be an issue.


  2. Hi!
    I’m experiencing a big problem after installing CU2..
    All Exchange Server 2013 servers crash regularly, and when I check the minidump it’s always caused by this service.
    The only difference is that indeed the service doesn’t start automatically when the CU2 (version 2) is installed.
    It’s a bit strange to me that in CU2 version 1, this service causes our systems to reboot regularly, and in CU2 version 2, it doesn’t start up automatically anymore…

  3. is it running in vm
    mine was vm(but I also saw it in physical with other products) where the load at boot is so “high” that some services wont start right(lync , ocs,tmg array on r2) and only workaround was this delayed start.

  4. Try recreating the HealthMailbox. You can safely delete and recreate health mailboxes. Be aware that any local Managed Availability probes that are using the these mailboxes will fail until the Microsoft Exchange Health Manager is restarted. Once that service is restarted, it will recreate any mailboxes that it needs. Hopefully that will resolve this issue.

    • Hi Scott,

      Recreating the health mailbox have solved the issue. Although restarting the health manager service doesn’t create ALL health mailboxes. When compared with the original ones, one health mailbox is missing. It only creates two (one database only), but the default install had created three.
      I have seen this before, where an additional mailbox creation will create two more health mailbox taking the total to five. Looks like there is one per server? Is that the case?


  5. I think this could be because i haven’t installed a SCOM Agent – or any other monitoring tool. In Exchange 2010 it gave the Exchange Monitoring Service, which was used by a monitoring tool like SCOM. The difference here is, that in 2010, the service startup type is default set to manual..but that’s just a guess :)

    • Hi Martin,

      No SCOM in my lab and this is happening, and that too even on a brand new forest with clean CU2 V2 install.
      Service is set to automatic.

    • This should work automatically TurboMCP.
      Since manually starting works fine, I am not sure what is blocking it in the first place.
      And nothing in event viewer as well.

  6. Weird. I just noticed it this morning before seeing your post. I’m the same as you: Exchange 2013 CU2 multi-role and the service is doing the exact same thing as you described.


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