Exchange 2010 brings in a GUI in Exchange Management Console to export mailbox to a PST and to import from a PST. You need to right click the user and select the task.
You can still use the shell cmdlets, Import-Mailbox & Export-Mailbox if you desire so. The Export Mailbox gives you two main options.
- Export to a specific folder in another mailbox, which is a cool feature.
- Export to a PST file or even to a folder, if multiple mailboxes need to be imported.
Import Mailbox wizard gives you similar options.
- Import multiple PSTs from a folder in a single go.
- Import PST file into a mailbox.
Note: Both export and import process has to be run from a 32 bit machine with Outlook 2003 SP2 or higher installed. This is the same in Exchange 2007 as well.
Is this available in Exchange 2010 SP2?
I am using Exchange 2010 RTM version and from EMC there is no option. only shell command is there:
in Exchange 2010 RTM it is not available. Export to PST file option does not exisit nor the new-mailboxexport commandlet exists.
it starts from SP1.
How can i export in my current version: Exchange 2010 – ver 14.00.0639.021
There is a bug in Exchange 2010 which requires the modification of the Exchange database object security settings in ADSI edit if you are attempting to perform a single server stand-alone installation. I.E. the single server will hold all the Exchange roles (Hub, Cas, MBX). This is in addition to a few other basic items.
1. The System account needs to have the following permissions:
– Read
– Administer Information Store
– Allow Impersonation to Personal Exchange
– Create Named Properties in Information Store
– Open Mail Send Queue
– Receive As
– Send As
– View Information Store Status
2. Need to execute < New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Role "Mailbox Import Export" -user username > from the Exchange Pshell.
3. Outlook 2010 x64 needs to be installed locally on the server performing the Import/Exports.
Hi Alienix,
The import/export mailbox in the EMC was only in pre-RTM release. They took it off in RTM.
You need to run the cmdlets in the shell to import/export mailbox.
Check for steps
I've ran the following: New-ManagementRoleAssignment –Role “Mailbox Import Export” –User administrator
but the Import/Export Mailbox feature still does not show in the EMC. Any thoughts?
is there some special "magic" to install the x64 version of outlook?
whenever i try to do this on my exchange server, it installs the x32 version. i can run the Cmdlets fine, they just error becasue of the version of outlook. i currently am using office 2010 pro plus trail in my lab. thanks for any help you can provide
Hi Chris,
MIcrosoft has released an RTM version of Office 2010. Check
Rajith said "The Microsoft Office 2010 Technical Preview program is now closed due to high demand and hence you will have to wait until the beta version releases."
So does this mean I cannot import Exchange 2003 PSTs into my Exchange 2010 install until Microsoft releases the 64-bit version of Outlook?
Isn't that pretty aggressive/harsh lapse in Microsoft? I can't continue with my deployment.
My pleasure Ivan.
Thanks Rajith.
The Microsoft Office 2010 Technical Preview program is now closed due to high demand and hence you will have to wait until the beta version releases.
Do post your name so that I don't have to call you Anonymous!
Hi Rajith, just read your other article that you mentioned. Very intersting. Which build of Office 2010 did you use. Do you know by any chance where I can get it. The beta program is closed.
Thanks a lot
Hi Anonymous,
This post is about 3 months old and is based on 2010 Beta. The beta version had export/import exposed in the EMC, but the RC doesn't. Check my latest article for the latest info
Thanks for the comment.
Hi, if you read this link ,it says:
To import data from a .pst file, you must run the Import-Mailbox cmdlet against a computer running Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 that has the 64-bit version of Microsoft Outlook 2010 installed. We recommend that you run the command on a dedicated Exchange server that doesn't have any mailboxes.