Finding WhiteSpace In Exchange 2010…

MS Exchange

Exchange Admins will miss Event ID 1221 in the application log while administering an Exchange 2010 environment. These events are not logged in the event viewer anymore. This is by design and you need to use PowerShell to find out the whitespace.

Run the following command to find out the whitespace in your environment.

Get-MailboxDatabase –Status | fl Name, AvailableNewMailboxSpace

Finding whitespace in Exchange 2010

Pretty simple!

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2 thoughts on “Finding WhiteSpace In Exchange 2010…”

  1. Hi Raman,

    Was it working for you in SP1 UR6? Or did it stop working after moving to UR6? I haven’t come across this issue so far.
    Is there any errors that the daily maintainence job is not finished?


  2. Hi,
    I have been using checking running this command “Get-MailboxDatabase –Status | fl Name, AvailableNewMailboxSpace” for months and it gives me value for AvailableNewMailboxSpace for every database in our environment but now suddenly when I run this command it is showing “AvailableNewMailboxSpace” as “Blank”.
    I did check it 2 days before now suddenly all databases showing no value/Blank “AvailableNewMailboxSpace”.
    Since, last time I saw the values in “AvailableNewMailboxSpace” for all databases no changes have been made on Exchange 2010 SP1 RU6.
    I was wondering if you have seen similar behaviour.


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