How To Set Out-Of-Office (OOF) Message For Another User Using Exchange Control Panel…

MS Exchange

Anyone who has been in the Exchange field for a while should have come across this kind of a request atleast once; a staff goes on holidays without setting an out-of-office message and calls the IT department to set one for him/her. With 2010 and the new Exchange Control Panel (ECP), this request can be easily handled.

Login to the ECP as an administrator. Use owaurl/ecp or owaurl/owa and click Options.

ECP Login

Select “Another User” from the drop down window on the top left hand side. Allow pop-ups for this site.

Manage Another User

Select the user for which you want to set OOF. I am selecting Chakka Rajith as an example.

Select ser

Another window opens up. You will see a warning that “Administrator is working on behalf of the user”.


Click on “Tell people you are on vacation” link on the right hand side or navigate to Organize Email –> Automatic Replies.

Tell People

Type in the OOF message and click Save.


Close the window, return to the administrator ECP section and log off.

The benefit in this method is that the admin account doesn’t have to be given explicit rights on the user’s mailbox. No messing around with ACLs!

The same can be done using Exchange Shell as well. Check my article (second half) for the steps.

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