While upgrading Exchange 2013 RTM to CU1, I was surprised to see that the setup picks up that the RSAT Clustering CmdInterface was not installed. I thought that was a prerequisite for 2013 RTM!
Let me run through the way I installed 2013 RTM so that it makes more sense. First step was to install the Desktop Experience.
Then I was able to install the Unified Communication Managed API 4.0
I made use of the option in the 2013 setup to install the windows features it needed.
2013 RTM got installed successfully. But, the setup doesn’t install RSAT Clustering Commandline interface for some reason and it looks like it is not a prereq for installing 2013 RTM.
TechNet clearly states it as a prereq though.
But, while upgrading to 2013 CU1, setup failed with an error that the RSAT Clustering Cmdline Interface needs to be installed.
I installed the Clustering Cmdline Interface and the 2013 CU1 setup went ahead and completed successfully.
Anyone else encountered the same issue?
And yet again CU2v2 is here and still the same error with very little availbale info as to why it is as such. One could speculate, but no real hard core answer from MS as to why detect it as a prereq.
Fun and games Akr ;-)
Yes. I encountered the same issue and use the same resolution than yours.
Thanks Jean-Francois. Looks like MS needs to fix it.