Moving Transport Database In Exchange 2010 SP1…

MS Exchange

I had blogged sometime last year as to how to move the HUB transport database (mail.que and associated files) to a different location, read here. I was at a client site today and tried the same script & parameters (.Move-TransportDatabase.ps1 –QueueDatabasepath “path” –QueueDatabaseLoggingPath “path”), but it failed.

Move db Error 1 in SP1

Though IPFilter was present in Exchange 2010, the script wasn’t looking for it. The IPFilter database stores the IP Allow Lists and IP Block Lists. So, I gave the IPFilter database path and log path, but it still failed.

Move db error 2 in SP1

I gave the Temp folder path and the script worked perfectly. So, the command to move the queue for Exchange 2010 SP1 server is as follows. Note that it has to be run from the scripts directory.

.Move-TransportDatabase.ps1 –QueueDatabasepath “path” –QueueDatabaseLoggingPath “path” –IPFilterDatabasePath “path” –IPFilterDatabaseLoggingPath “path” –TemporaryStoragePath “path”

Move db in 2010 sp1

DB moved successfully

A quick look at the Exchange 2010 SP1 folder structure for transport database has IPFilter, Queue and Temp folders.

Folder structure in 2010 SP1

You can edit the “EdgeTransport.Exe.Config” file in the Bin directory to change the queue location, but it doesn’t move the existing queue and the Transport service has to be restarted manually.

Running the command “.Move-TransportDatabase.ps1 –QueueDatabasepath “path” –QueueDatabaseLoggingPath “path” works fine in Exchange 2010 with Update Rollup 5. So, the change in using the script only affects 2010 SP1 deployments.

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8 thoughts on “Moving Transport Database In Exchange 2010 SP1…”

  1. Thanks. This was on point. Moved the database successfully. One thing to note – remember to open EMC with “run as administrator”.

  2. I have followed the procedure and the databases have been relocated. Just got a question about the IPFiltering.edb (database). After applying the changes I rebooted the server and went to check the original location and found a recent copy of the ipfiltering.edb file. Is this normal? Should I ignore this? Any pointers would be appreciated!

    • Hi Carol,

      If you have a new structure with edb files, you can ignore it. Did you use the script or edit the config file? If you edit the config file, the “old” edb files are not moved / deleted.


  3. Hi Navdeep,

    There are no config tweaks for this. You need to invest in software that deal with mass emails (the ones used by online advertisers), if this is going to be an ongoing requirement.

    Moreover, Exchange isn't designed to be dealing with these kind of emails.

  4. Hi Jose,

    Well not the best place to ask you a totally unrelated question regarding the post but i couldn't find an option to contact you.

    I have got a weird requirement where client wants to send an email to multiple recipients like 200 – 300 but each email needs to send out 1 per recipient. If i try with the DL then the recipient receives email but he also see other users in To list as well. BCC is not an option as it makes the To: field blank.
    The server is exchange 2007. So I wanted to check with experts like you if there is a way to achieve this. May be using powershell custom code, or config tweak?



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