SSL Offloading can be configured on a per virtual directory basis, by turning off the SSL requirement. But, it is no fun configuring it individually when you have more number of CAS servers.
I came across a way of configuring the SSL offloading using PowerShell few months ago, but never got around to blogging it. It was posted in this blog post, but it doesn’t seem to work now. I am posting it here as a reference material.
Copy all the commands below and paste it in the Shell to configure SSL offloading. Run the commands on each CAS server to have a uniform behaviour.
Set-OutlookAnywhere –Identity "$($env:COMPUTERNAME)RPC (Default Web Site)" -SSLOffloading $true
New-ItemProperty -Path ‘HKLM:SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesMSExchange OWA’ -Name SSLOffloaded -Value 1 -PropertyType DWORD
Import-Module webadministration
Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter //security/access -name sslflags -Value "None" -PSPath IIS: -Location "Default Web Site/OWA"
Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter //security/access -name sslflags -Value "None" -PSPath IIS: -Location "Default Web Site/ECP"
Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter //security/access -name sslflags -Value "None" -PSPath IIS: -Location "Default Web Site/OAB"
Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter //security/access -name sslflags -Value "None" -PSPath IIS: -Location "Default Web Site/EWS"
Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter //security/access -name sslflags -Value "None" -PSPath IIS: -Location "Default Web Site/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync"
Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter //security/access -name sslflags -Value "None" -PSPath IIS: -Location "Default Web Site/Autodiscover"
iisreset /noforce