Test-ECPConnectivity, as the name suggests, tests the connectivity to the Exchange Control Panel virtual directory. It is one of the many test cmdlets which needs a test account to be created prior to running the test. The error below will be shown if the test account is not present.
As mentioned in the error, run the New-TestCASConnectivityUser.ps1 script from the scripts directory and specify a complex password for the test account to be created. Read this article if you get an error while running the script.
The test cmdlet can be executed with a number of parameters, like
- the CAS server to be tested ( all CAS servers are tested if one isn’t specified) Test-ECPConnectivity –ClientAccessServer servername
- the mailbox server to be tested against (all mailbox servers are tested if one isn’t specified) Test-ECPConnectivity –MailboxServer servername
- to trust any SSL cert, Test-ECPConnectivity –TrustAnySSLCertificate
- to run the test for internal / external urls, Test-ECPConnectivity –TestType Internal
The last test in the screenshot has failed, the test for checking the external urls. Looking more into the test result tells me that the url is not resolvable.
After creating an “A” record in DNS, the test succeeded. This test illustrates how to check for problems & fix issues using the test cmdlet.
Part one, two, and three of the series, if you haven’t already read it.
Getting below error when test-ecp is executed from different server from same site as mailbox exists.
Error: The test failed to establish a session with server. The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive. An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
Getting below error while running Test-ECPconnectivity
The test failed to establish a session with server. The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive. An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
Thanks this really helped for me.
Thanks Sunil.