Test-MAPIConnectivity is the second cmdlet that comes to my mind, which will be very useful in troubleshooting outlook connectivity. The cmdlet verifies server functionality and can test the ability to log on to a specific mailbox (or system mailbox if a mailbox is not specified), the ability to log onto the system mailbox on a specified database and the ability to log onto each system mailbox on a specified server.
In short, the cmdlet takes three parameters to check the connectivity – database, server and identity of mailbox.
Run Test-MAPIConnectivity –identity “domainuser” to check whether the mapi connection is working properly.
Running Test-MAPIConnectivity –identity “domainuser” –MonitoringContext $true will include monitoring events and performance counters in the output.
Run Test-MAPIConnectivity –Server “servername” to check connectivity to the server and Test-MAPIConnectivity –Database “databasename” to check database connectivity. The monitoring context parameter can be used in both cases.
Read part one of the series here