Test-OWAConnectivity cmdlet is similar to Test-ECPConnectivity. It verifies that the Outlook Web App (OWA) is working as expected. The cmdlet can be used in two ways – test OWA connectivity for all Exchange 2010 virtual directories on a specified CAS server for all mailboxes that are in the same AD site or test the connectivity for an individual Outlook Web App URL.
Run Test-OWAConnectivity –ClientAccessServer servername to test against a CAS server.
Run Test-OWAConnectivity –URL “https://emexch1.exchangemaster.me/owa” –MailboxCredential (Get-Credential domainusername) to test owa connectivity for a user.
You can use the “TrustAnySSLCertificate” parameter if your certificate isn’t a trusted one. Run Test-OWAConnectivity –URL “https://emexch1.exchangemaster.me/owa” –MailboxCredential (Get-Credential domainusername) –TrustAnySSLCertificate
The above command quickly checks whether a user can login using OWA. You do need the username and password of the user for the command to work.
Test successful on the server where EXTEST mailbox hosted.
But failed on different CAS server which is located on the same site with the below error.
The test couldn’t establish a connection to Outlook Web App.
Plz assist.