“The System Cannot Find The File Specified” – Error On Step 1 Of Exchange 2013 Setup

MS Exchange

A number of Exchange guys are posting in various forums about this error message that appears very early in the Exchange 2013 setup process. The solution is really simple.

The issue is brought to light when you get the error message below during step one of the 2013 installation on Windows 2012.

Error: The following error was generated when “$error.Clear();

install-ExchangeSchema -LdapFileName ($roleInstallPath + “Setup\Data\”+$RoleSchemaPrefix + “schema0.ldf”) ” was run: “The system cannot find the file specified”.

The system cannot find the file specified

The error message is different if the operating system is 2008 R2 SP1.

The Active Directory Schema is not up-to-date and Ldifde.exe is not install
ed on this computer. You must install Ldifde.exe by opening Windows Powershell,
running ‘Import-Module ServerManager’, then running ‘Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADD
S’. Alternately you can restart setup on a domain controller.

This very same error message was also in Exchange 2010 setup and the issue is that the admin has forgotten to install the AD tools which is required for extending the schema.

Run the following from an elevated PowerShell window, if the OS is Windows 2012.

Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADDS

Run the following from an elevated PowerShell window, if the OS is Windows 2008 R2 SP1 (for Exchange 2010 & 2013).

Import-Module ServerManager

Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADDS

Restart the server, re-run the setup and it should get you past step one!

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