“this is a pending certificate signing request (csr)” status even after importing the third party certificate.

MS Exchange

I had an issue in my lab today, while I was importing a third party certificate to Exchange 2010. Even after importing the certificate successfully, the console (and shell) had the same status – “This is a pending certificate signing request (CSR)”.

I had a look at the personal certificates store for the local computer and I had my certificate along with all the root & intermediate certs. Restarting the Exchange services didn’t change the status of the certificate in the console.

When I had a closer look at the personal store, I found out that the private key for the certificate was missing for some reason. Now I knew what had to be done Winking smile

I copied the thumbprint from my certificate in the store (not the thumbprint from Exchange Shell).

I ran Certutil utility with the syntax, Certutil –repairstore My “copied thumbprint”.

The command completed successfully and my issue was solved. The certificate got the private key and Exchange picked up the change as well.

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10 thoughts on ““this is a pending certificate signing request (csr)” status even after importing the third party certificate.”

  1. Hello Rajith, any chance you still have the screenshots so I can follow along? I know this is an old post but it would be helpful. Thanks!

  2. Hi Rajith,

    If I created a CSR for my UCC Cert and validity of the certificate is 2019, However I am getting pending “this is a pending certificate signing request (csr)” . I am worried would it impact the services or how can I roll back to the earlier.


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