Where Is Export/Import Cmdlets In Exchange 2010?

MS Exchange

Where is Export / Import-Mailbox cmdlet in 2010 RC? I had posted an article covering the GUI export/import functionality in 2010 Beta. The new 2010 RC doesnโ€™t have the option to export/import in the exchange console. I was a bit disappointed to see this feature taken off in 2010 RC, after having it in the beta version. Anyway, having found out that it is no longer in the console, I fired up the exchange shell and went for export-mailbox cmdlet. To my surprise, I couldnโ€™t run the command, nor could I even find it with Get-Command *export*. My experience was the same with import-mailbox cmdlet as well.

Neither do you have the cmdlets in shell nor the options in GUI. So, how would you export a mailbox or import a PST?

I am sure that all of you have heard that the security model has been changed in 2010 as well, which now use Role Based Access Control (RBAC).

In order to see/run export/import cmdlets in the shell, you should be given explicit permissions. No user is allowed to run the command by default. The user who wants to run the cmdlets should be given โ€œMailbox Import Exportโ€ management role.

Let me explain with an example. I want to give my account rights to run export/import cmdlets. The cmdlet I need is

New-ManagementRoleAssignment โ€“Role โ€œMailbox Import Exportโ€ โ€“User โ€œRajithโ€


You can also create a group and give the group the necessary access. This way, you only need to add any new users who wants this permission to the correct group using AD Users and Computers (thereby avoiding the shell)!

New-ManagementRoleAssignment โ€“Role โ€œMailbox Import Exportโ€ โ€“Group โ€œMailboxAccessGroupโ€

The default administrator account with which I installed Exchange 2010 in the first place didnโ€™t have the cmdlets available. I had to run

New-ManagementRoleAssignment โ€“Role โ€œMailbox Import Exportโ€ โ€“User administrator

Once the command was run, export and import cmdlets were made available to me!


Now, I run the export mailbox cmdlet & here comes the error message.


I tried running the same command after installing Outlook 2010 32-bit edition, but got the same error. So, you need a 64-bit Outlook 2010 along with 2010 management tools to run export/import cmdlets. Once I installed the 64-bit Outlook 2010, I was able to export the mailbox.



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27 thoughts on “Where Is Export/Import Cmdlets In Exchange 2010?”

  1. Noticed a typeo – when I ran this I got an error:

    New-ManagementRoleAssignment โ€“Role โ€œMailbox Import Exportโ€ โ€“Group โ€œMailboxAccessGroupโ€

    works with a correction to:

    New-ManagementRoleAssignment โ€“Role โ€œMailbox Import Exportโ€ โ€“SecurityGroup โ€œMailboxAccessGroupโ€


  2. for our companies data retention policy I had been using ex-merge on our old 2003 server to export PSTs of all users Deleted Items and Dumpster Items. From what i've read, 2010 won't export dumpster data at all.. so i'm at a loss already. Hope grabbing psts of all users via one cmd is not as complicated as it seems from what i've read. I'd hate to have to start exporting (merge not archive) each employees deleted items one at a time.

  3. Hello,

    I think I did all the things to do for getting the export/import cmdlets running. But, I still don't get the cmdlets. I installed Outlook 2010 x64 on the Exchange Server, I added groups and users to the "Mailbox Import Export" Role, but the cmdltes are missing. I got two Window 2008 R2 Servers with Ex2010 SP1.Any ideas?

  4. Hi Rajith,

    we are using PostFix email server and i have setup an exchange 2010 server. the PostFix puts all mailboxs in mbox format i need to find a way to get them into exchange.

  5. Hi Patrick,

    What mail system do you have? Which Exchange version are you moving to? Easiest will be to convert the mailbox into PSTs (if possible) and import it into Exchange.

    If your mail server is Lotus Notes, Microsoft has a free tool called Transporter Suite. That will only work against verions upto 2007 (2010 is not supported).

  6. There is a bug in Exchange 2010 which requires the modification of the Exchange database object security settings in ADSI edit if you are attempting to perform a single server stand-alone installation. I.E. the single server will hold all the Exchange roles (Hub, Cas, MBX). This is in addition to a few other basic items.

    1. The System account needs to have the following permissions:
    – Read
    – Administer Information Store
    – Allow Impersonation to Personal Exchange
    – Create Named Properties in Information Store
    – Open Mail Send Queue
    – Receive As
    – Send As
    – View Information Store Status

    2. Need to execute < New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Role "Mailbox Import Export" -user username > from the Exchange Pshell.

    3. Outlook 2010 x64 needs to be installed locally on the server performing the Import/Exports.

  7. Hi Andy,

    Best approach will be to use export cmdlets and import the PST.

    I haven't done it myself, but you should be able to move the mailbox back to 2003 using the New-MoveRequest cmdlets. Move-Mailbox cmdlet doesn't work in 2010 anyway.

    Let me know how it goes. Thanks.

  8. Once the permission has been applied, you need to wait for atleast 2 hours for exchange to pick it up. Or you can restart the information store service for immediate response.

    Do you have Outlook 2010 64 bit edition and 2010 management tools installed? Are you using Exchange Shell, which you should use or normal Windows Powershell?

  9. Error was found for Name Surname (name@domain.com) because: Error occurred in the step: Moving messages. Fai
    led to copy messages to the destination mailbox store with error:
    MAPI or an unspecified service provider.
    ID no: 00000000-0000-00000000, error code: -1056749164
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (0:Int32) [Export-Mailbox], RecipientTaskException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 8C360F11,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.ExportMailbox

    Googled and tried to add FullAccess to the administrator account with this cmdlet:
    "Get-Mailbox | Add-MailboxPermission -User "Administrator" -AccessRights FullAccess"
    but I still get the error above.

  10. Good one. Great finding.. I would be intresting to see what are other roles which are not available by default, In some way it is better not to have too many rights even for Administrator by default.


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